學與教博覽2023已完滿結束,在此答謝各校長、老師到場參觀及了解我們Million Tech 的RFID 智能圖書館方案,除此之外,展位所用的 Jibpool International Limited 地材亦相當吸睛,同展位的HB&L以AR VR觀賞室內設計反應亦相當熱烈,婓衷心多謝您們給予我們的機會。
Improved accuracy for process of patient verification We have maintained a long-standing partnership with two major general hospitals in Hong Kong for 10 years, regularly assessing and upgrading the equipment within the facilities. Challenges There used to be a lot of manual labor required in the radiology department’s patient registration, identity verification, and formal CT/X-ray
本地科企萬碧發展有限公司(Million Tech)2022年起,已為逾30間本地中小學提供智能圖書館設備。該企本月新推閱讀推廣工具Amazing Book Explorer,以及智能圖書館助理Robrarian,冀藉此提升閱讀體驗、激發同學仔興趣。
Facilitate easy learning for employees, resulting in a smoother workflow Our client is a Hong Kong-based global luxury fashion, beauty, and lifestyle department store renowned for its high-end European fashion. It also a specialty store that boasts the largest collection of designer brands in the Greater China region. Challenges Due to the need for revamping