Success Story on IT Support Service

Success Story: IT Support Service – SME

Outsourcing IT servicing minimizes budget costs Our client is a Translation & Media service provider, provides relevant services across 80+ languages to more than 2,000 clients in 35 countries. Challenges The client needs to secure over 2,000 customer information with a large database, but lacks IT experts to manage hardware, software development, and maintenance, as

Success Story: RFID Solution

A large laundry service in Hong Kong supplies garment washing service for enterprises, to provide high quality and reliable laundry service including linen, uniforms, suits, etc. Challenges Pick-up service of heavy unwashed laundry from customer was counted manually for about 30 minutes each location. Counting error might be occurred, while discrepancy of garment quantity affects
Success Story on IT Support Service

Success Story: IT Support Service

Outsourcing IT servicing reduces downtime One of our client, a famous Chinese medicine retailer with 60 stores in Hong Kong & Macau, they retail, wholesale, and manufactures traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) products, and also empower people to live their best quality of life through accessible, natural health and wellness solutions. Challenges The client has only


為期3天的《學與教博覽2022》(Learning and Teaching Expo)已於2022年12月7日至9日假香港會議展覽中心圓滿舉行。每年博覽都會吸引不同展商展示多元化的教學新科技,今年Million Tech就為大家帶來最新的 「全方位智能圖書館系統」。
Our client is the major property owners and manage a diversified property portfolio in the Hong Kong. It manages over 2,000 domestic premises in all regions and districts, including outlying islands. As a responsible landlord, it is required to conduct maintenance and improvement to ensure a safe and pleasant living environment of all residents. The