過去幾十年,可謂資訊科技發展的大爆發年代,IT技術與產品的進化速度驚人。若把今日大家手中的智能手機,與80年代售價動輒過萬元的大哥大手提電話相比,就不難看出當中所經歷的發展與突破是多麼的神奇。我們其實已經身處於未來世界,使用着「多啦A夢」中的神奇道具。 許多人以為做IT科技相關的初創,一定是要做與最新科技相關的東西,走在最前。這一點並不能說是完全錯的。但以筆者創業35年的經驗,我卻覺得盲目追求最新技術並非創科的成功要訣。

Partner Employer Award 2019/20

Million Tech has been awarded the “2019 Partner Employer Award” in recognition of the contribution in offering job opportunity and internship to local students.
Million Tech was awarded by World Green Organization (WGO) the “Green Office Awards” and “Eco-Healthy Workplace” labels in 2019.

Best Retail Innovation (Product) Award 2018

Million Tech has garnered the 5 Years Plus Caring Company award by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service