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Success Story: RFID Tracking Lab Sample against Cheating (2)

Benefiting anti-counterfeit efforts

Our client is a government department’s special unit responsible for ensuring building safety by testing and inspecting construction materials standards.


Typically, construction contractors identify their bricks using markings, but this can be problematic as the marks may be erased or changed, resulting in unreliable test outcomes. Furthermore, without a reliable tracking system, it can be challenging to locate concrete cubes.


Million Tech provided durable and waterproof RFID tags for contractor authentication and process tracking. These tags are anti-shedding, which is important for the molding process that can take up to a month. The company also installed fixed RFID readers and antennas at each testing station in the laboratory, along with a Bluetooth RFID handheld reader for mobile measurement. This system enables the tracking of sample cube testing information, such as the contractor and date, and provides automatic capture results that can be retrieved by a PC application software. As a result, the need for hand-marked testing results can be eliminated with direct data input into the system.

Values created

The solution improved testing operations and accuracy by streamlining data input and ensuring accurate contractor authentication, which can also aid in anti-counterfeit efforts.